Types of Withdrawals

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Below are descriptions of the different types of medical withdrawals. Select the one that applies to your situation and click the button to begin the process.

If you need assistance in understanding which withdrawal option would be appropriate for your situation, please reference the Auburn University withdrawal assistance tool for further guidance.

If your licensed health care provider recommends that you withdraw from all of your courses due to your physical and/or psychological condition, please select this withdrawal.

Start a Full Medical Withdrawal

If your licensed health care provider recommends that you withdraw from one or more of your courses, due to your physical and/or psychological condition. Since you can drop courses up until the withdrawal deadline (see the academic calendar for withdrawal dates), you should only apply for a partial medical withdrawal if reducing your course load may impact your international student status or if you missed the withdrawal deadline.

Start a Partial Medical Withdrawal

Choose this option if you need to medically withdraw from all of your courses from a past semester.

Start a Retroactive Medical Withdrawal

Choose this option if an immediate family member is either seriously ill or has passed away.

Start a Family Medical Withdrawal

Choose this option if you need a family medical withdrawal from a past semester due to a serious illness or death in your family.

Start a Retroactive Family Medical Withdrawal