Response Flowchart

Response Flowchart

Flow chart for the response process when a Bias Report is received. Full description found below.

How BERT responds when a Bias Report is received.

  1. Incident Report Recieved
    • A confirmation email is sent to the reporter. The report is shared with BERT Co-Chairs, Student Conduct, The Title IX Office and Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity, and Campus Safety and Security to evaluate policy violations
  2. Was a policy violated?
    • If policy was violated, the reporter will be emailed by the BERT Chair to state that the report is a violation of policy and will be handled by Student Conduct, Title XI and AA/EEO, or Campus Safety and Security.
    • If policy was not violated, BERT Co-Chairs will make an initial assessment of community impact. Co-Chairs will assess the need for public facing resources.
  3. Does community impact warrant further response?
    • No, futher response is not neccesary
      • Co-Chairs offer resources and support to the reporter and/or the impacted individual(s).
    • The need for further response is inconclusive
      • Co-Chairs will consult with the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and other administrators to determine the next steps
      • BERT Co-Chairs will inform the reporter of the outcome when possible.
    • Yes, further response is neccesary
      • Co-Chairs will review the report with the BERT Team and refer the report to the appropriate BERT Team Member or make recommendation to administrators regarding public facing resources.
      • BERT Team member contacts the reporter and other impacted parties within 24 hours of receiving the incident report to:
        • Reassure the impacted parties that the team is aware of the concern
        • Explain any legal limitations of sharing outcomes
        • Connect the reporter and impacted parties to resources
        • Discuss initial assessment of community impact
          • Does community impact warrant further response?
            • No further response is neccesary. BERT Team member explains the resolution and rational to BERT Team during staffing.
              • Co-Chairs offer resources and support to the reporter an/or the impacted individual(s)
            • Yes, further response is neccesary. BERT Co-Chairs develop voluntary educational opportunities and propose them with five to seven business days of the BERT Team meeting
              •  Is the plan responsive to the degree of impact?
                • No. BERT Co-Chairs adjust and return to the BERT Team for fomative development of communication plans before moving on.
                • Yes. BERT Co-Chairs and BERT Team determine if other campus partners and/or stakeholders need to participate
                  • Are other member offices needed?
                    • No.
                      • BERT Co-Chairs deliever voluntary education/resources
                      • BERT Team member sends follow-up resport on outcomes and changes
                      • BERT Team records, analyzes, and reports data  as well as recommends changes to policy, services, events, activities and programs based on the data.
                      • BERT Co-Chairs inform the reporter of outcome
                    • Yes.
                      • BERT Team will work with office(s) to deliver voluntary education/resources
                      • Partners/Stakeholders inform the Co-Chairs of:
                        • The final outcome
                        • Any changes in policy, services, events, activities, or programs as a result of voluntary education/resources
                      • BERT Team member sends follow-up resport on outcomes and changes
                      • BERT Team records, analyzes, and reports data  as well as recommends changes to policy, services, events, activities and programs based on the data.
                      • BERT Co-Chairs inform the reporter of outcome