Referring Students

When to Refer a Student

A college student’s life can be stressful. As a student, faculty, staff or family member you may recognize a student in distress but be uncertain about whether or not you should contact Auburn Cares about the student’s challenges. We believe early detection and intervention are essential to prevent small issues from becoming major obstacles in a student’s life.

A combination of any of the following may indicate a student is in distress and should be reported to Auburn Cares so they can reach out to support the student.

Refer a Student to Auburn Cares

  • Declining grades or reduced class participation

  • Incomplete or missing assignments

  • Repeated requests for extensions or incomplete

  • Increased absenteeism

  • No response to emails about course work or attendance issues

  • Rude or insubordinate behavior

  • Bizarre, aggressive or morbid comments or written content

  • Argumentative

  • Inappropriate boundaries

  • Aggressive behavior

  • Alcohol intoxication/drinking in class

  • Difficulties sleeping

  • Changes in eating habits

  • Symptoms of depression or anxiety

  • Lack of responsiveness or emotional expression

  • Paranoia

  • Extreme or sudden changes in behavior

  • Extreme mood swings

  • Isolation or alienation from others

  • Unusual or erratic behavior

  • Clear signs of distress

  • Changes in appearance or hygiene

  • Substance use or abuse

  • Written or verbal expression of suicidal ideation

  • Suicidality, including threats, gestures, thoughts or attempts

  • Cutting or other self-harming behaviors

  • Pre-occupation with dying

  • Feelings of hopelessness

  • Engaging in risky or reckless behaviors

  • Giving away belongings without logical explanation

  • Threatening words or actions

  • Violent or aggressive behavior

  • Homicidal thoughts or ideations

  • Fascination with violence, weapons, fire or ammunition

  • Disturbing written material or classroom discussion

  • Direct statements threatening harm to others

  • Threatening online postings