Heather Carnes

Education Small Business Owner
Tyler, TX
Auburn University Class of 2024; High School Junior
Auburn Highlights
As an out-of-state family, we come to Auburn to enjoy it as tourists. We love to get a lemonade and roll Toomer's. We get the first meal of the trip at Victory Grill and have a breakfast spot where we always say goodbye. We've developed our own traditions over time.
Beginning in high school, I started buying extra items that wouldn't get old and stored them every time I went shopping. Moving into college as a freshman (and returning after each visit home) is expensive! My daughters get to "shop" in the supply closet for soap, razor blades, hair products, etc. As a family of educators, I also had a "school supply" closet in my craft room that houses printer paper, printer cartridges, Sharpies, highlighters, preferred paper/notebooks/pens/pencils, and other school/office supplies. That gets raided at the beginning of every semester, too!
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Out-of-state questions