Report an incident, concern or complaint
Report an Incident
Report Concerning or Worrisome Behaviors
Faculty, staff, students, and guests are encouraged to use this form to refer a student who is struggling with academic, personal or emotional difficulties, or who may be exhibiting hostile, worrisome or other concerning behaviors. For information about what is meant by concerning behavior, please visit the Auburn Cares page.
Report a Student Conduct Violation
Student Conduct handles non-academic policy violations, including Code of Student Conduct and Residence Life Community Standards violations. Use this form to report behaviors including misuse of alcohol, disorderly conduct, drug use, theft, hazing, harassment (verbal or physical), threatening behavior, physical assault, vandalism, excessive noise, residence hall visitation, etc. This form should also be used to report a student for disruptive classroom behavior. Learn more about Student Conduct here.
Report a Hazing Incident
Hazing is any action taken or situation created intentionally or unintentionally whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule or other activities which are not consistent with organizational laws, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution. Actions, forced or required or implied to be required, which violate federal, state or local law, are considered hazing. This form should be used to report potential acts of hazing that may violate University policy and/or Alabama state law. Reports made using this form are referred to Student Conduct and Greek Life, if applicable, for review.
Report a Crime
Faculty and staff identified as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are required to report criminal offenses that occur on the university’s Clery Geography. The Clery Act requires universities to share information about campus safety and security practices, crime and fire statistics. To learn more about Auburn University’s Clery Act Compliance, click here.
Student Complaints
What is a complaint?
A complaint is a criticism, grievance or protest. A complaint may be academic (in content) or related to another area or service of the university.
Academic Complaints include, but are not limited to academic conduct and discipline, academic standing (probation, suspension and/or dismissal), and grade appeals.
Non-Academic Complaints include, but are not limited to admission appeals and petitions for readmission, bursar appeals, discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, financial aid and scholarship appeals, parking and traffic appeals, residency appeals, student conduct and judiciary appeals, and student housing appeals.
General Complaints are used when a student cannot determine if the complaint is academic or non-academic.
How do students file a complaint?
Students have the right to file complaints about the conduct or behavior performed by the institution or by any of its agents. Student Affairs, through the Office of Student Conduct, maintains the process for the review of, response and attempted resolution of academic, non-academic or general complaints for students. The complaint process encourages using an informal resolution process to resolve complaints. If a complaint is not resolved through the informal process, there is a formal resolution process and protocol that may be utilized.
To use the informal process
Submit your complaint using the Student Complaint Form. You may also contact Student Conduct by calling 334-844-1305 or emailing
To use the Formal process
Submit your complaint using the Student Complaint Form. If you need assistance identifying the first point of contact for your complaint, contact Student Conduct by calling 334-844-1305 or emailing
Complaint Submissions from Faculty & Staff
Faculty or staff wishing to submit a complaint should contact the Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity or Human Resources.
Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity
317 Foy Hall334-844-4794
Human Resources
1550 E. Glenn Ave.334-844-4183
In compliance with Auburn University, state, federal and accrediting body (SACSCOC) guidelines, laws and policies, Auburn investigates all reported matters to the fullest extent possible and utilizes the information to address concerns, hold individuals and groups accountable, and enhance the comprehensive educational experience for the entire campus community.