Graduate Assistants
Requesting a Graduate Assistant
Placement for Graduate Assistants Program
The Placement for Graduate Assistantships (PGA) is designed as an option to facilitate the process of hiring graduate assistants in Student Affairs at Auburn University. Most students are looking to continue after their graduate assistantships in the same or similar fields. This practical experience balances education, practice, challenge, and support to allow students to reach their career goals while improving programs and departments.
PGA is open to any potential graduate student who is considering graduate studies at Auburn University and has the desire to work in a student-centered environment. As Human Resources and the Graduate School continue to review positions, the student’s academic degree program should connect to their assistantship for tuition waiver purposes. Most graduate assistants in Student Affairs are in the following programs: Higher Education, Adult Ed, Counseling, Educational Psychology, etc. Other positions may lend themselves to other degree programs.
Use of PGA is encouraged but not required when hiring a graduate assistant.
The placement exchange takes place over one business day where candidates may receive interviews for multiple departments. A review board of representatives from each department determines where the student may best fit. Other duties and recruitment efforts are performed by the Higher Education Student Association.
Contact for PGA hiring process: please email