
Safe Zone Training
Safe Zone is an interactive, 4-hour training designed to help Auburn University work toward its goal of creating a safe space for all its Auburn family. It is designed specifically to educate faculty, staff, and students about sexual orientation and gender identity to create a safe space for LGBTQ+ students.

Green Dot Training
The Green Dot strategy is a comprehensive approach to violence prevention that capitalizes on the power of peer and cultural influence across all levels of the socio-ecological model. Informed by social change theory, the training is available for either a 1-hour or 3-hour model that targets all community members as potential bystanders, and seeks to engage them, through awareness, education, and skills-practice, in proactive behaviors that establish intolerance of violence as the norm, as well as reactive interventions in high-risk situations – resulting in the ultimate reduction of violence.

Implicit Bias Training
The modern workplace is built around diverse teams and developed to leverage the strengths of each member and ultimately increase organizational competitiveness. Within a team, each person comes to the table with their own history and set of personally held beliefs. In this workshop, we explore the concept of implicit (unconscious) bias and its impact on the creation and maintenance of collaborative, inclusive, and viable environments. This session is designed to increase awareness about how implicit bias operates and identify techniques to mitigate its effects.

Contemporary Issues in Workplace Diversity and Inclusion
Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences that exist within an organization. Although it seems simple, diversity encompasses individual and group differences such as personality, learning style, age, race, class, gender, religion and more. Today’s professionals require effective skills and competencies to function effectively within increasingly diverse organizations. Through this interactive workshop, participants will increase their awareness and hone their skills to leverage diversity in the contemporary workplace.

Informing an Everyday Diversity and Inclusion Mindset
The modern workplace is built around diverse teams and developed to leverage the strengths of each member and ultimately increase organizational competitiveness. Within a team, each person comes to the table with their own history and set of personally held beliefs. In this workshop, we explore the concept of implicit (unconscious) bias and its impact on the creation and maintenance of collaborative, inclusive, and viable environments. This session is designed to increase awareness about how implicit bias operates and identify techniques to mitigate its effects.

Productive Dialogue, Conversation and Team Communication
The course explores effective communication for both individuals and groups, providing tools from three perspectives (1) Solid techniques from communications experts, (2) Understanding how Inclusion, Equity and Diversity knowledge improves preparing and engaging in dialogue, and (3) The role Emotional Intelligence plays in producing the best communication outcomes.

Title IX Rights & Obligations for AU Employees
This course provides an overview of Title IX requirements for AU employees on 1) Definition and role of a Responsible Employee, 2) What constitutes sexual misconduct, 3) Measures to take to prevent sexual misconduct, 4) How to report offenses under Title IX, and 5) Resources available for survivors of sexual misconduct. This training lasts approximately 45-minutes.

Title IX and Discrimination Identifying and Responding to Sexual Misconduct
This course explains how Auburn University’s Title IX and Discrimination policies protect students, employees, and third parties from sexual and gender-based harassment and sexual misconduct.

Basic Conflict Management Techniques
Conflict is a natural aspect of our interactions as humans. We all encounter conflict, and our ability to negotiate through disharmony can enhance the productivity and cohesiveness of our relationships. Conflict can provide opportunities to assess the status quo and mutually create avenues to improve our lives at school and at home. This seminar introduces basic conflict management concepts to assist the participant in building communication skills that can strengthen his or her personal, academic, and residential relationships. The 60-minute seminar is offered by the Auburn University Ombudsperson for small and large groups.

Student Bullying Identification, Prevention, and Intervention
Bullying consists of abusive behavior that is repeated, intentional, and power-based. The emotional and psychological toll on the student targeted by the bully can be extremely detrimental and sometimes catastrophic. This seminar will teach the attendee to recognize bullying behavior, gain strategies to prevent such behavior, and learn ways to intervene when bullying occurs. The 90-minute seminar is offered by the Auburn University Ombudsperson for small and large groups.

Green Zone
Green Zone training is for faculty and staff who wish to learn more about the military-affiliated student experience. The goal of this training is to teach members of the Auburn University community about issues and concerns that our military-affiliated students face both while serving our country and when transitioning from military to civilian life and higher education. Through this training, faculty and staff can help military-affiliated students identify and connect with appropriate resources, lend a sympathetic ear, identify topics and questions to avoid both in and out of the classroom, and better understand the mindset of this non-traditional student population.