Academic, Housing, Transportation, Employment, & Other Supportive Measures

Academic, Housing, Transportation, Employment, & Other Supportive Measures

The University has resources to help those who have experienced sexual misconduct obtain reasonably available supportive measures. These measures are available regardless of whether the person who requests them files a complaint with the University or through the criminal justice system.

Supportive measures are individualized services, accommodations, and other assistance that the University offers and may put in place, without fee or charge. They are available to members of the University community impacted by sexual misconduct and are designed to address safety, well-being, and access to the University’s programs and activities. Supportive measures are voluntary and may be modified or discontinued at any time at the request of the individual.

Overview of Supportive Measures

A wide variety of supportive measures are available, including:

  • Academic accommodations, such as rescheduling exams, adjusting class schedules to avoid contact with the perpetrator of violence, etc.
  • Change in living arrangements, such as changing floors or residence halls
  • Change in work situation, such as relocation to provide a more private or secure location, additional security measures, etc.
  • Contact restrictions
  • Change in transportation arrangements, such as parking in a different location
  • Assistance in reporting to on- or off-campus law enforcement or in initiating University disciplinary proceedings

The following offices can arrange supportive measures


Safe Harbor (Victim Advocacy Office)

Provides free and confidential support on campus to Auburn University students and employees who have experienced sexual or relationship violence. This support includes assistance navigating reporting options, academic assistance, medical advocacy, and referrals to campus and community resources.

Harold D. Melton Student Center, Suite 1206
255 Heisman Dr., Auburn University, AL 36849
Phone: 334-844-7233 (24/7 Hotline)


Campus Safety & Security

Campus Safety and Security works hand-in-hand with Auburn Police by providing security services, threat assessment, safety programs such as the free Auburn Safety app, and important crime and safety disclosures to the campus community.

543 W Magnolia Ave., Auburn, AL 36849

Title IX Office

The Title IX Office provides support and resolution options to Auburn University students and employees who have experienced sexual misconduct.

317 Foy Hall
1310 Wilmore Dr., Auburn University, AL 36849
Phone: 334-844-4794

Human Resources

For Auburn University employees only